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The Watchman Series: The “Dog” Demon

Last night on the 20th of May as usual, I was online with my team of intercessors preparing to launch into high dimensional prayers on our zoom meeting platform…

The word of the Lord had come to me concerning how unhappy God is at the Church…

He said, my Church is not prepared for my coming and the Shepherds are feasting on the Sheeps instead of feeding them with the Truth that will lead them on the path of righteousness…

I Jesus was on earth and even though all the wealth in the world was at my disposal, I never coveted after them neither did I promise my disciples and followers earthly riches and luxury…

I laboured for everything I needed even though I had the attention and recognition of the rich and wealthy…

I rather promised my disciples and followers persecution, hatred from the world, sufferings, imprisonment and even death because I knew the Gospel that leads men into repentance and a desire to reconcile a sinner back to God never thrives on the hope of earthly riches but rather on the sufferings of carrying the cross and the sacrifice of self…

But on the contrary, today’s Church has lost it priorities and is battling with the world for it’s luxury and pleasurable fantasies, what they don’t know is that, no one eats with a pig and goes home with a stainless garment…

My Church has failed!!!

These and many others was what I was telling my team of intercessors about the word I had received and what must be done…

All of a sudden, everything changed…

I was on a park alone in the middle of the night while speaking to my people, I felt the urge to lift up my eyes and when I did, this is what I saw…

Am still in a state of shock per what I saw and I still can’t believe how the devil could advance so much tactically and strategically on how to crush the souls of men and reduce mankind into becoming like animals and yet they cannot seem to see…

I saw a very large metallic cage, it was so huge I just cannot seem to know of any cage or enclosure that could match the size of this one. It was very huge and wide… The next thing I saw was a very large number of young men and women that had filled this cage, they had filled the cage so much that I could not see any space left unoccupied…

And as I beheld this strange scene, I was perplexed and troubled in my Spirit by what I saw next.

Ladies and gentlemen, all of a sudden, the whole cage was now filled with huge dogs of many colours, sizes and of both sex and they began to engage in wild sex with the people in the cage who were mostly in their youthful ages…

The girls were been sexed by huge black dogs whiles the males were having intercourse with the female dogs…

What I still cannot seem to remises is the level of high sexual pleasure in the eyes of these youth, their eyes had turned so red like blood and it was as if they were on a journey they don’t want to return…

I kept on watching in amazement and in shock wondering why and how this was happening… There and then, the word of the Lord came to me and began by giving me this scripture…

Revelation 22:14-15
“Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates.

Outside are the dogs and sorcerers and the sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood”

The emphasis is going to be on the verse 15 but in order for you to understand, let’s read from the verse 14..

Before I delve into the scripture above let me affirm to you one secret about Satan and his host of demonic beings…

The bible describes Satan as the one that deceives the whole world, therefore he only lives just to deceive humanity, but the force on which he drives mankind into that state of deception is called “Manipulation”…

For the devil to be able to deceive a person, he would first have to manipulate that person into a a state of delusion which is to love or find interest in a lie… The devil would have never been able to deceive Eve until he first manipulated her into having interest in a lie…

The key word is ” let them fall in love with the lie”

So the bible said “When the woman saw that the tree was good and pleasant to the eyes and she desired to gain wisdom out of it, she ate it”… Eve had to fall in love with the tree first, in order for Satan to be able to manipulate her into deception…

In the realm of demons or physic entities, the most powerful tool used in the act of manipulation is Lust, lust has the ability to render a man so useless till he begins to reason like an animal…

And the demons that control lust manifest as dogs…

In the revelation I had on the park, there was a wild sexual act going on between humans and dogs which I didn’t understand until the Holy Spirit began to explain to me…

As the world is hurriedly running out of time and the end of this gross world comes to an end, Satan knows he has but a short time to delude mankind into going down with him into the abyss of eternal and perpetual torture of fire. He will do everything he can to get as many souls with him in his damnation therefore, he has deployed on a larger scale, his most powerful and effective agents of darkness who control every sexual activity outside marriage…

They manifest as dogs and they intend plunging into the souls of men, the dog seed. When the dog seed is imputed into the soul of a person whether male of female, it stirs up a high sexual urge in the person which can never be satisfied, this kind of a person will also manifest as a dog in the realm of the spirit, he looses his identity as a human…

He or she from henceforth can go every length and breadth just to indulge in illicit sex, masturbate or feed his eyes on anything Sexual…

The cord of natural reasoning is broken, the only thing that differentiates a human being from an animal…

He won’t care about what he is entering into as longs as it provides or promises sexual pleasure..

Have you for a second thought of why the whole world today is revolving around sexual fantasies??

The movies that sell are those with higher sexual scenes and violence

The music that goes viral are those with lyrics that draws people’s attention to sex

If the lady is not nude or half naked, the product won’t sell…

Girls become celebrities just by flaunting their butt or boobs…

Look at the medicines that are entering the system or been announced almost 24/7 on our airwaves, sexual enhancement drugs, p***s enlargement drugs, drugs for prolong duration of sex, drugs to increase the waste or size of the female hips…

Just name one thing in this world that is popular without sexual perversion…

You think the devil is a fool?
No, you are!

Because you have been DECEIVED!!!

You have been deceived into thinking that you can just fornicate and later ask God for forgiveness, my dear you may be forgiven but know that your soul is now opened to the dog demons, and even though you may be forgiven, you will still be struggling will sexual desires you can’t control, the probability of you going back to the very thing you were forgiven for is very high…

The scripture above stated “Outside are the dogs…”

But is there any human being walking on the surface of the earth as a dog?

So who was the book of Revelations describing as a dog?

It is that man or woman whose soul has been plunged through by these “dog demons”…

You are no longer yourself, you have become a dog and from that very moment you will become an agent of transmission for the devil because every other person you would engage in any sexual act with will also be possessed by these “dog demons” of lust… And that is what makes it scary. These demons are transferable from one person to the other as they engage in any form of sexual act.

There are many preachers who lost their place in the presence of God just by one act of sexual fantasy they got themselves involved in, they never became themselves again…

Visions have been lost, families have been broken and divided, lives have been lost, ministries have been destroyed, souls are on their way to hell and WOE unto you if you have played a role in any of these by reason of your devilish sexual desires…

Dogs are demonically symbols of lust and sexual perversion and have you for once thought of why it is said in the Western countries that a family is not complete without a dog?

As we prayed last night God told me, the dog demon controls the western countries, you think they legalised homosexuality at their own will?

The “god” of that land has enslaved them, don’t be surprised if they show more love to dogs than people from other race because the dog is the symbol of the “god” of that land…

They have legalised sex for kids from the ages of 16 and with all their advanced knowledge and intellect, they have passed bills that legalises sex with animals… They have an agenda and that is to enthrone the “dog demon” in Africa like they have done in their countries.

This world won’t be any better or safer because the god of this age will keep on advancing in his acts of deception against the world and even the Church…

Instead of the Church to go on its knees to stand in prayer and war in Spirit against the powers of darkness of these age, we waste time on useless and endless debates and discourses which adds virtually nothing to the Kingdom…

May God have mercy on the Church and raise an army for himself…

You can call or contact the Watchman on the lines below if you want to be part of the army of intercessors from any part of the world… We will Prevail whiles we Pray!!!

☎ +233247258365




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