Home / News / Bolewura Endorses Mahama As NDC Presidential Aspirant Visits Hometown

Bolewura Endorses Mahama As NDC Presidential Aspirant Visits Hometown

Bole, Ghana – Flag bearer of the National Democratic Congress, H.E John Dramani Mahama visited Bole his paternal home on Friday together with his siblings, where a special homage was paid to the Paramount chief of Bole Traditional Area, Bolewura Yiram Sarfo Kutuge Feso.

A statement issued by R.A Jalil, Communication Officer of the National Democratic Congress for the Savannah Region, said the family visit was led by Mr. Peter Mahama, elder brother to John Mahama.

After John Mahama had spelt out their mission to Bole to the chief and his elders, the Bolewura welcomed him to his palace and assured him of his unflinching support for his bid to the presidency.

“John is our Son, brother, uncle, etc and I say to him that his victory as far as this year’s election is concern, is a forgone conclusion, mark my words” the Bolewura declared.

A prayer was later offered at the family house of the Mahamas by Moslem clerics seeking the blessings of Almighty Allah to the family and the entire Bole community with good health and prosperity. They also prayed for a peaceful 2024 general elections and for victory to be declared for the National Democratic Congress and Mr. John Mahama as president.

Mr. John Mahama also visited the Bole central cemetery with his siblings and entourage comprising top gurus of the National Democratic Congress to offer a prayer to his late brother; Emmanuel Adam Mahama and other deceased members of the family.

In an interaction later with the Police at the Bole District Police headquarters, Mr. John Mahama assured the team of police men dispatched to the town to ensure peace and security over the recent serial killings in the area, of his unflinching support to their course. He encouraged them to display high sense of professionalism in their search for the perpetrators of those heinous crimes.

While departing Bole to Tamale, Mr. John Mahama made a brief stop at Busunu – hometown of his late mother to offer a prayer at her grave.

An enthusiastic crowd of party members from Yapei led by the MP for Yapei-Kusawgu constituency John Abdulai Jinapor escorted the convoy of John Mahama into the township as he was leaving the mother’s grave.

Former President John Mahama paid a courtesy call on the Chief of Yapei. The Yapeiwura warmly received him and assured him of his fullest support in his bid to occupy the highest seat of government.

The Chief of Yapei also presented a gift of white smock to Mr. Mahama, signifying an appreciation for his visit.

The NDC’s presidential aspirant was accompanied by the National Chairman of the NDC, Johnson Aseidu Nketia, former Chief of Staff, Julius Debra, his Spokesperson, Joyce Mogtari Bawah, the Member of parliament for the Bole/Bamboi Constituency, Yussif Sulemana, former CEO of Venture Capital, Osman Sulemana, the NDC Bono Regional Chairman, the NDC Savannah Regional Chairman, Alhaji Imoro Seidu and his executives.

By SavannahNewsOnline.Com/Philip Liebs

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