Home / News / NPP Visionary Ladies Appreciates May Day Celebrants With Sobolo Drink

NPP Visionary Ladies Appreciates May Day Celebrants With Sobolo Drink

Walewale, Ghana – One of the major Highlights of this year’s May Day celebration at Walewale in the West Mamprusi Municipality in the Northern Region was the participation of the NPP Visionary Ladies.

Though May Day which falls on the 1st of May is a day reserved to commemorate the efforts and contributions of workers to their nation’s economy and governance especially at the labour front, the well known political group participated to the ‘amazement and admiration’ of many people.

What even appeared to be the icing on the cake was when the group freely distributed a locally prepared beverage called sobolo to the hundreds of people and other dignitaries gathered at the new Walewale bus terminal.

Clad in their party colours and led by chairperson Abubakari Sanda Humu, the young ladies approached the various canopies where the people and dignitaries gathered, and distributed the chilled beverage to anyone who wanted to quench their thirst.

Madam Humu told Savannahnewsonline.com in an interview, that their decision to distribute the sobolo drink prepared by her group was a way of appreciating Ghanaian workers who equally contributed to the victory of the NPP in the 2016 general elections.

With about 200 members in the West Mamprusi Municipality branch alone, the NPP Visionary Ladies according to her, exists to empower women through the provision of skills training in batik, tie and dye, beads making, sewing, hairdressing and trading among others.

The group is one of the most vibrant groups within the NPP, and has a strong membership across the country at the various regions and constituencies since its formation in 2012. Members of the group are mostly in their late twenties and thirties.

Northern Regional Vice President of the Trades Union Congress, Rebecca Yankson, urged workers and members of the various labour unions to persevere and persist even in the face of ridicule, intimidation and threats from employers.

She also entreated workers to exhibit a sense of discipline whenever they are engaged in any labour dispute with their employers so as to ensure peace and productivity.

Mrs Yankson thanked the workers for the peaceful industrial atmosphere the Northern Region has enjoyed in recent years. On behalf of the workers, she assured the Regional Minister Salifu Saeed the cooperation of all workers in the region if only he gives them a listening ear as a father of the region.

Meanwhile, about 40 labour unions and civil society organisations attended the regional celebration of this year’s May Day event which was under the theme: “Sustainable Development Goals and Decent Work: The Role of Social Partners”.

Some of the labour unions which took part in the celebration include the communication workers union; civil and local government staff association of Ghana; Ghana national association of teachers; judicial service staff association of Ghana; coalition on the right to information Ghana; timber and wood workers union of Ghana among others.

By Savannahnewsonline.com/Philip Liebs

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